Module 7 : Mistakes and Failures

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K. Rowling

In this module, I would like to particularly focus on discussing how getting zeroes, failures and mistakes influence me as a learner. The videos, articles, and other sources reinforced my viewpoint towards understanding the true value of mistakes and failures. I know everyone relates to it.

When I was still a student, I always bear in mind that getting zero or failing in any test is not a good thing. I had this fear of failing in any subject as I don’t want to embarrass my parents. I realized throughout the years, from being a student until now that I am working, failure is inevitable and a part of life. The next thing I can do is to accept and overcome it. But how?

Well, I don’t want to see failures in a negative light and reflect on how some people who have gone through major failures in life managed to bounce back. I think I agree with the fact that people should start being comfortable of committing mistakes or failures. But not to the point of losing the discipline to still continue to thrive.

As for me, I love to list here down some powerful lessons we can learn from our mistakes by Medlock (2015).

  • Mistakes teach us to clarify what we really want and how we want to live
  • Mistakes teach us to accept ourselves and that we can be flawed and be loved.
  • Mistakes teach us to accept our fallibility and face our fear.
  • Mistakes teach us about ourselves and how to tell our truth.
  • Mistakes teach us, through analysis and feedback, about what works, and what doesn’t. 
  • Mistakes teach us to take responsibility. 
  • Mistakes teach us to engage in our lives — to live fully. 
  • Mistakes allow us to inspire others.
  • Mistakes teach us about integrity.

 Among these nine lessons, the one that struck me most is on how failure allows a person to be able to live fully and live with integrity. I hope I can live up to these life-altering lessons of failures that offers experience, knowledge, resilience, and growth.

Happy learning!

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