
The Final Stretch

This is it! The last and final hurrah! As I was figuring my answer to the stimulus questions, I still can’t believe that I am now writing the last entry of my blog and that I am almost done. I can’t emphasize enough how I sustained my learning journey at UPOU along with my other…

Module 8: Epistemology

I find this topic about epistemology very significant upon learning the various theories because the underlying beliefs about the nature of knowledge of a person contributes to how he/ she learns. My epistemological beliefs about taking up various subjects when I was still a student were limited to whether I have to memorize or analyze.…

Module 7: Successful Learning

When I hear of successful learning, the first thing that came to my mind is deep learning rather than surface learning. Deep learning which is to understand the meaning behind the concepts learned, is something that I don’t really pay much attention of. As I recall the times when I was a student, I used…

Module 6B- Constructivism in Action

As a teacher, being a constructivist is certainly a good teaching strategy. However, it may not be entirely applicable in all situations, as there are some students who are used in a structured teaching.  From this module, it is helpful to understand what learning theory may or may not work for a particular culture. “Language…

Module 6A: Constructivist Theories

  Among the learning theories, constructivism is perhaps the most applicable in today’s learning. Knowledge building and construction is an important aspect of independent learning. It allows people to not only welcome new ideas but also to encourage deep learning. While I totally agree that knowledge is not transferred, I also agree that each learners have…

Module 5: Cognitive Theory

I never thought that learning about cognitive theory could explain all the feelings of indifference and stress I have these past few days. The Loy Krathong celebration in Thailand made me very busy this week and while I am juggling with preparing lessons, participating in the said event, and reading this module, my cognitive load…

Module 4: Applying Social Learning Theory into experiences

I used to be a very shy and timid person when I was young. Feeling of missing out is always one of my fears and I often get discouraged easily. But then, I used to be very observant too. I try to find my place in every opportunity that I engage myself in. So, I…

Module 3: The Behavioral Approach

In this module, I learned to appreciate behaviorist theory better: its validity and limitations. Ever since, I am really more inclined to use behavioral principles because the results are observable and evidential. Just like the case of Pepe, we can infer that negative emotions break out as a result of accepting so much expectations. Like…

Module 2: Intelligence explained

Given that intelligence is a concept so complex where there is no single definition or test that can completely measure or explain what it really is and what it does, I tried to simplify it into two. There are two elements I have in mind that I can say characterizes intelligence: skills and attitude. While…

Module 1: Defining Learning

  It never occurred to me to really dig deeper on the meaning of learning. This first module is quite interesting as it poses a need for me to understand philosophical theories and  practices and different perspectives about learning. Juggling between work and study, I guess this is what I call learning. While I was…


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