Final Thought: Towards applying my learnings to practice.

Being a teacher for almost 4 years now, I bet I can say that assessment for me is just a piece of cake…. Well, I got it wrong! And oh! this course was like a bolt from the blue! I didn’t know how far I can go here in UPOU but this last activity IContinue reading “Final Thought: Towards applying my learnings to practice.”

Exercise 2 : Giving way to better ideas but not giving up to my own

I can still feel the mixed emotions I have whenever we discuss about our topic through chat. The combination of pressure, eagerness, excitement, and all the rush. That’s how I try to make out of my wanting energy so that my cognition function. I wanted to be able to contribute something substantial for our paperContinue reading “Exercise 2 : Giving way to better ideas but not giving up to my own”

Module 7: Realizing values through Self and Peer Assessment

    I have been through many group activities when I was still a student. Group work is indeed effective at helping students develop one’s understanding of the desired output through effective communication and collaboration. The thing about group work is that each member can have first-hand experience on how learning process takes place within the group.Continue reading “Module 7: Realizing values through Self and Peer Assessment”

Module 7 : Mistakes and Failures

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K. Rowling In this module, I would like to particularly focus on discussing how getting zeroes, failures and mistakes influence me asContinue reading “Module 7 : Mistakes and Failures”

Module 6 : Appreciating TOS in assessment design

From previous modules, learning the strengths and weaknesses of both traditional and non- traditional assessments only proves to me that teachers really have a lot of work to do. Getting on from teaching to doing assessments and so on. I can also attest to this from experience. Being a teacher in a foreign land, makingContinue reading “Module 6 : Appreciating TOS in assessment design”

Module 4: Gaining new understanding

I determined that the different purposes of assessment vary on the timing and the manner that the assessment is conducted. Diagnostic, Formative and Summative assessments are occurring before during and at the end of the lesson respectively.  Also, understanding assessment of, for and as learning are essential concepts I learned that guided me to baseContinue reading “Module 4: Gaining new understanding”

Module 3: Knowing our students as learners

 I mentioned in my previous blogs that I wanted to really teach my students the way I wished to be taught. This resonates in me while reading the module on needs assessment. So I try to go about how I could know my students better by reflecting on my own experience as a student before.Continue reading “Module 3: Knowing our students as learners”

Module 2: Using evidence from students

After learning the assessment cycle, I gave thought to some beliefs and processes I held for a long time in my teaching practice and I realized so many things I should unlearn. Knowing all these things makes me stop believing some things. “When your action comes from a level of knowing, there is conviction, certaintyContinue reading “Module 2: Using evidence from students”

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