Hi everyone!

Welcome to my site!

I am Jezeel Jean S. Masillones—a teacher in Thailand.  You can call me “Teacher Jez”. This site will be my journal for the UP Open University. Thanks for taking the time to visit here. Happy reading!

I hope to meet new friends and enjoy learning together!

See you!

Latest from the Blog

The Final Stretch

This is it! The last and final hurrah! As I was figuring my answer to the stimulus questions, I still can’t believe that I am now writing the last entry of my blog and that I am almost done. I can’t emphasize enough how I sustained my learning journey at UPOU along with my other…

Module 8: Epistemology

I find this topic about epistemology very significant upon learning the various theories because the underlying beliefs about the nature of knowledge of a person contributes to how he/ she learns. My epistemological beliefs about taking up various subjects when I was still a student were limited to whether I have to memorize or analyze.…

Module 7: Successful Learning

When I hear of successful learning, the first thing that came to my mind is deep learning rather than surface learning. Deep learning which is to understand the meaning behind the concepts learned, is something that I don’t really pay much attention of. As I recall the times when I was a student, I used…

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